Matter of Opinion

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Thoughts, aloud. Hosted by Michelle Cottle, Ross Douthat and Carlos Lozada. Every Friday, from New York Times Opinion.Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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  • yapinkleginhoppor
    Sorry I can no longer listen. I hope all goes well for you guys.
  • night_shade
    I listen to this pretty much exclusively for Ross Douthat.
  • Billybill1984
    Hey Ross
    Ask “right?” a few more thousand times. It makes you sound so smart.
  • Agent floots
    Idk how these people keep talking
    With that boot in their mouth. Matter of opinion more like Matter of a boot so far down someone’s throat they lost all function of real opinion. Bad. 0/10 Would not recommend
  • Adri2765
    I miss Lydia!!
    Lydia Polgreen was far and away the best part of this podcast. Ross grates on my nerves. He is self important, acts willfully ignorant when it suits him, and mistakes cynicism and deflection for insight. His zealous natalism is also off putting. The show used to have more balanced points of view, but I can’t help but feel that Ross has taken over the show.
  • CDGauxiliary
    Opting Out of the Ross Show
    Originally this was a well balanced show that seemed to say “hey guys, civility and well meaning debate can exist between folks in different positions on the *sane* political spectrum!” That’s changed a bit.. I personally don’t think we need to better understand the indefensible, but I understand that is Ross’ job to a certain degree. I didn’t mind Ross, at first, but I’m just not interested in his work, so if that’s what this show has become, I’m opting out. It seems like a lot of people are having the same complaint. I hope the good folks at MoO take that into consideration.
  • Rich-E takes
    Is this a new show?
    If I wanted to watch Fox News I would. This show was good when it had balanced sensible debate. Now you’re just pushing an agenda. Bring back the other host.
  • czjo
    What happened?
    I used to love this show and the thoughtful debate between four smart people. Now it’s the Ross show and it feels condescending and small-minded. Steve Bannon as a guest? A literal anti-Semite and misogynist? No thanks.
  • Th3LadyT
    Don’t normalize this
    Giving a platform to people with fundamentally undemocratic and traitorous ideas will only usher us to our end more quickly. Push back and stand for truth and decency.
  • E_R_I_C_B
    Not worth listening to
    The setup for this show has devolved over time. What is even happening? Platforming Steve Bannon? Not all opinions are created equal, and this show has little value to offer.
  • JDHappy
    Who wants to listen to Douthat?
    I’ve tried to listen to and read Douthat. Frankly his smug, condescending tone is just creepy. Who care what he thinks?
  • cc28
    Great podcast! Unsparing and unafraid
    I love this podcast. The Bannon interview was incredible. Ross handled it well. Didn’t turn into a bunch of Crossfire manufactured debate. Delved into the inner workings of a particular philosophy. Same with the Andreeson interview. Now I want to hear Michelle interview a leading voice from the left.
  • Seanyman1988
    Yucking it up with Steve Bannon
    The last straw from what has always been a pretty annoying show. Unfollowing
  • Master A. Chu
    Underwhelming episode
    I live in SF and work in tech. Was excited for this. But My goodness Marc, were you on speed? He spoke so fast I had to put the audio speed on 0.75 to tolerate the show.
  • Slim Kid Jones
    Nuance Missing
    I’ve listened to this podcast for some time, but am unsubscribing now. The debates are shallow now. I expect layers from the NYT.
  • Qwertiop8
    Too much Ross!!
    When trying a new show I frequently go back in the archive and listen to older episodes as well I actually enjoyed many of the older episodes but found myself fast forwarding or totally skipping quite a few of the newer ones The reason? Primarily the apparent ascendancy of Ross Douthat and his smug platitudes about the left I found him irritating when he was on Left Right Center in the Josh Barro days (another podcast that has gone downhill) and he is totally insufferable in this one I really want to listen to genuine debate about polit cs - but It seems there is NO "both sides" podcast that actually has REAL back-and-forth and doesn't devolve into superficial, predictable posturing Unsubscribing-
  • GustKasp
    Miss the old show
    I don’t mind Ross - unlike some others here - but definitely not the new “concentrated” version of him in this show where he now seems to be the only host and is embarking on a series of shows exploring the new right? I have followed this podcast through many iterations and hosts (good seasons and bad) but I think I’m finally unsubscribing. I appreciate multiple perspectives (isn’t that the point of this show?)
  • tiny_pineapples
    Ross Douthat
    The only reason I listen to this podcast (and, truthfully, one of the main reasons I subscribe to The New York Times) is to listen to Ross Douthat. While I don’t always agree with him, I appreciate his fresh perspective on things while also being willing to push back against people in his own camp.
  • Bunny Scrabbit
    Please go back to the old crew! Way too much Ross lately!
    C’mon NYTimes. Ross is the least interesting thinker on this panel. Please stop having him host shows alone! Bring back the whole team, or just put the show on vacation. All these “Ross interviews a guest alone” episodes are just not that interesting.
  • tcsi
    Agree, it used to be better
    100% agree with another review that Ross D. is being highlighted more on the show, and his weird views are making this podcast insufferable. I’m a NYT subscriber but am taking a break from this podcast.
  • Gray_Tabby
    Used to be better
    Ross Douthat has gotten weirder and creepier to the point where I find myself skipping this podcast more frequently. He has a fixation on his faith and reproduction that doesn’t add much to my understanding on various issues. It’s also tiresome. Add David French to the show, please.
  • Bear315843355
    What happened to Lydia?
    I miss her perspective!
  • Msuhail
    What an absolute travesty the NYT has become. Here we have a 30 minute podcast on the legacy of Joe Biden without a SINGLE mention of the genocide he allowed, oversaw, armed, and lied to the world to provide cover for. More time spent on Jimmy Carter (???) than the murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians in a concentration camp, the most child amputees in history. Even the “no holds barred” Douthat had nothing to say. Shame on everyone involved in this masquerade. History will not judge these propagandist genocide apologists lightly. Recall that the Nuremberg Trials included propagandists.
  • You:know
    Rather uninformed
    Very unimpressed by Ross. His columns were better 10 years ago. Can we get some fresh conservative voices here?
  • SocratesSeven
    An Atheist’s Case for More Christianity in Politics, Jan 3, 2025
    Regarding David French’s interview with Jonathan Rauch in the subject installment of the Matter of Opinion podcast, what Rauch proposes is very much a “devil you know” position as it relates to Christianity in America’s “public square”. I’m not sure this represents an efficacious approach to Christianity or to the American political economy. A more interesting—and perhaps a more sophisticated and engaging approach—would examine Rauch’s project across the whole of the American religious landscape. I suspect that limiting the discussion to the context of Christianity alone will only serve to reinforce the impetuous nationalistic elements taking hold in America’s churches.
  • Nintendobiggestfan
    The liberals gets run over by a shallow conservative
    Nobody on here is a deep thinker, has actual knowledge to share, or offer any useful advice. They sound like a bunch of amateur freshmen journalists reacting to the front page of the news with nothing to contribute because they don’t have actual knowledge of how things actually work beyond the reporting of the NYT. It was one of the most embarrassing moment in podcast history that the hosts didn’t know the difference between a rhino and a triceratops. I feel way less informed after listening
  • JoeMac7345
    Inconsistent but sometimes good
    I like the ones without Ross Douthat. He’s such a massive hypocrite.
  • A. Ham 1
    I Only Listen for Ross
    This show is 2 liberals and a conservative (who doesn’t even support Trump!) and that 1 conservative is apparently too much for most of the listeners reviewing this show. Get a grip, people.
  • megjune06
    So Bad
    Why do we only seem to hear from Ross now? It’s too much. Even when the other hosts are on we only really hear from Ross as he overpowers them and they make no attempt to push back or share a perspective of their own. This is so one-sided which is not the point of this podcast. I true debate or conversation among people with different views would be great. This is not that. Either change the hosts or just rebrand this as a conservative podcast hosted by Ross. Be transparent and honest.
  • Colin bringo
    What is this the Ross show now? The bloviating without at least someone of a differing opinion… too much.
  • ZachMG
    I can’t listen to this anymore
    Whether or not you like this podcast all comes down to how you feel about the polarizing figure of Ross Douthat. The other hosts are too mild-mannered to push back effectively, and he ends up driving the direction of every conversation. You can tell he’s having the time of his life just listening to himself talk. But I can’t listen to this thing anymore, I’m tired of Ross’s smugness, the snide remarks, the subtle put-downs, the Ivy League elitism, the placing of everyone else in a box while casting himself as “reasonable, complex conservative”. Also, it’s quite revealing that Ross gets away with this, but when Lydia gives a snide remark back at him, everyone’s wagging their finger at the supposedly “rude” black woman.
  • Tommytubahshehedb
    More David French
  • Tallchick1966
    Where is the debate?
    There is no true representation for the conservative side. I really try(key word) to listen frequently to get a balanced view of American thought and politics, but it’s so condescending and the bellybutton gazing is annoying. Ross does a great job of talking his colleagues off the edge, but there should be more true balance.
  • TJ8675309
    I appreciate Ross Douthat’s unique perspective
    We need more of this; people from diverse viewpoints listening and engaging with each other. Why are we so afraid to hear people with ideas that are different from our own?
  • HopeThisReviewIsHelpful
    Long-time listener, Sometimes find the interactions cringe
    I’ve listened to, and mostly enjoyed the podcast throughout its previous incarnations, off and on, like when it was previously called the “Argument” which is perhaps a more apt title. Finished listening to the TL;DR: Blame Biden episode… and was reminded again of how Lydia Polgreen is ideologically captured, and her tendency to take personal digs at her colleagues’ character and background, e.g. Ross Douthat, in lieu of addressing the merits of opposing positions. A very cringe and disheartening tactic. Glad her appearances are not as frequent.
  • Patsy-2
    Two against one isn’t fair.
    Lots of gratuitous interruptions and digs against Ross. Aim for more balance and more civility.
  • cmcveigh23
    Not to my liking.
  • Upset and Hangry
    Needs More Ross
    Ross really makes this podcast. Without him it would be just another group shouting into the echo chamber. I find Ross’ perspectives incredibly well-reasoned and honest, attributes that are sorely lacking in today’s discourse. Editing to add that I really hope that Ross’ cohosts can avoid becoming terminally Trump-deranged post election. The Democrats lost many voters (myself included, a female and a minority) because of their sweeping and unfair generalizations. Michelle says that Trump mobilized such diverse voters as myself in a kind of xenophobic anger. I’m so sick of Democrats saying that it’s xenophobic to enforce the border. It comes across as dismissive and condescending, and I hope the Democrats continue to lose as long as they hold such attitudes. I’m not anti-immigrant or xenophobic, and to not want the kinds of people who rape women under boardwalks or shoot Jewish men minding their own business does not make me so. Continue to be out of touch to your own detriment.
  • podcastlistener2024ABC
    Obnoxious. Turning serious issues into sophomoric, chatting-over-beers banter
    This show turns my stomach with the way they try so hard for this light, friends-laughing-and-chatting-over-beers kind of banter, when they’re talking about really dark and heavy stuff. The jokey tone feels extremely forced and performative. And Ross’s mean-spirited trolling and both-sidesism gets more tiresome by the second. He is so defensive and petty. And his fellow hosts laugh it off like it’s somehow endearing. Grow up, all.
  • trackpad
    One Glaring Omission
    Genuine, earnest humility from Ross Douthat. My brother-in-smugness out smugs us all on a too regular basis. Shout-out to the music and production values of this show… no different from other NYTs productions in this regard…best in the business. ❤️
  • makeupmyname
    While it appears clear that three of the hosts oppose Trump, it’s not clear (in any episodes I’ve listened to) if Ross D. supports Trump or not. Why so afraid to show one’s cards?
  • btone911
    “Conservative” host is hateful and bigoted
    It’s one thing to have a conservative voice to balance out admittedly progressive contributors. It’s an entirely different thing to accuse all women in the US of banding together for the right to “murder their unborn child in the womb”. That’s not a matter of opinion, that’s just hating women openly. Trash podcast.
  • Jillian Susannah
    Different conservative voice
    I want to like the show and do enjoy episodes here and there, but Ross ruins it for me. The left leaning voices seem to trip over themselves to acknowledge his opinion and insight, where he does not give them the same respect and acknowledgement. He’s so cynical and throws a wet blanket on every discussion. I appreciate having a conservative viewpoint, but he’s not it. I don’t think the podcast medium suits him. Sorry.
  • chucksucksforeva
    This used to be my favorite podcast. Now I hate it.
    I loved the old podcast with Ross and Michelle Goldberg (and Frank Bruni and David Leonhardt). Michelle Cottle is atrocious. I can’t stand her attempts to be hip and her use of slang from gen z. I feel her presence brings the overall quality of show down. Without her I’d give it 5 stars. This podcast is not what it could be. I like some of the guests they bring on and Carlos Lozada is a good addition.
  • Jessica Tassan
    This is so brutal
    This is so brutal
    Ross for the WIN!
    Ross provides a welcome respite from my typical leftist echo chamber. I really appreciate the ability of the hosts to disagree in a convivial manner. My usual podcasts have become too exhausting recently, so Matter of Opinion has become my new favorite listen!
  • reallygreatproduct
    Normally fairly insightful and fun
    As long as everyone keeps their tones properly in check I tend to enjoy this one! It’s nice to get the range of opinions and the analysis is generally interesting. But I’ve got to say the VP debate episode was a tough listen. Ranking it as if it were a high school debate with a winner and a loser felt one dimensional and totally neglected how people actually consume debates. But aside from an offhand acknowledgement that they weren’t representative of the audience it was hardly addressed and instead the conversation devolved into squabbling over picayune details (I admit I did not finish). Not sure what happened there but not my favorite! I think the best episodes do a good job maintaining a more playful tone. For example, I remember an episode where everyone assembled their fantasy presidential tickets that was actually quite funny. Clearly not every episode topic can reach that level of silliness. But I think podcasts like this play an important role in modeling how to disagree both thoroughly and respectfully (and ideally even amicably). I’ve seen it strike that tone in the past, and that’s what I’m hoping for going forward too. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
  • C'mon John!
    Ross is annoying
    Love the podcast. Love the deep analysis. Get rid of Ross. He’s annoying.
  • sherry tucker
    Ross D
    “Goaded?” What a poor baby.
  • B Cangany
    Ross reminds me why I am glad I left the Catholic Church.
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