Wild Ideas Worth Living

Sports #158Wilderness #7

High-impact interviews for those who love adventure and the outdoors. Host and journalist Shelby Stanger interviews world-class explorers, athletes, authors, scientists, health experts and entrepreneurs about how they’ve taken their own wild ideas and made them a reality, so you can too. Some of the wildest ideas can lead to the most rewarding adventures.

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Recent Reviews
  • Maggie96.
    LOVE this podcast
    I was just looking for more inspirational and travel podcasts to listen to, as I’m mostly into true crime doom and gloom. I found Wild Ideas Worth Living, and quickly became obsessed! I started it from the beginning and have been just binging it. Listening really just brings me joy; to hear all the stories, see other life perspectives, and feel the motivation of others is almost as healing as it is inspiring! I hope Shelby continues for a long time. 😁
  • courtinohio
    This is the best podcast
    I have listened to Shelby’s podcast for years and it just gets better. I’m so happy that she had Jessie Kreb on her show. I first saw Jessie on a tv show while flying Delta and have been following her since. As always, Shelby has interesting and relatable guests that provide unique insight. Keep up the good work!
  • Gila Chica
    Anytime favorite listen
    I love this podcast! I recommend it to all my friends. Always interesting guests doing really interesting things. even if I am not initially that into whatever sport or quest the guests are doing by the end of the podcast I’m totally hooked. Shelby Stanger is a great interviewer. She gets people to really open up and be real and their passion shines through. 5 Stars!
  • 1000helena
    Going Woke
    Love the show when it’s not a woke agenda. Focus on nature and adventure- and not identity politics, please.
  • Trek2911
    Always interesting content
    I listen to this on a daily work commute. I’m always left feeling like I have learned something new, and how to be more productive and adventurous even in normal life events. The show is always well written, and Shelby does an excellent job in asking questions that we all are thinking ourselves. This makes for a show that makes the listener feel part of. I also recommend the book, “Will to Wild” written by Shelby. Very similar content and truly inspiring stories. Keep up the good work. Highly recommended podcast..
  • Harborview Cyclist
    Love everything about this podcast!
    I have been listening to Shelby’s podcast on my daily bicycle commute to work in Seattle for about 2 years. I love her voice- somehow she always sounds like she’s smiling. I love that she has clearly done her homework on every speaker- and asks thoughtful questions that really get at the heart of her speakers. I love her guest choices- she celebrates diversity- and I love hearing how her speakers have overcome adversity and doubt to make their wild ideas not only a reality but in so many ways- changing the world for the better. Her podcast inspires me to make even small ideas in my own life a wild idea- I practice “no excuses” bike commuting- because you’d rarely commute in Seattle if you don’t!
  • Sephorafan
    Kielyn Marrone
    Love💗Love💗Love💗the episode with Kielyn Marrone!!!🎉Amazing!!! Thank you!!! Everything about her is so refreshing!!! Hope you have her on again🥰...(She had a moccasin class that looked incredible on Instagram…missed it)
  • C Go 1
    Great episode on Lonnie Thompson!
    I didn’t expect to enjoy listening to an episode about a researcher, especially about climate science (I’m fatigued on the subject), but this was a fascinating episode! And the ending was emotional and amazing. Thank you Shelby!
  • nudetomatosmiles
    This show is fantastic, fun, and inspirational.
  • tristate hikers
    Life Changing
    Love this podcast
  • Camanopoc
    Stunning and Inspiring
    Loved the Rowing Across the Pacific show- the first I’ve listened to. The story telling and the production was wonderful. This story is one that definitely deserves to be told far and wide.
  • ra.chel1
    Inspiring and authentic
    This is my absolute favorite podcast series! Shelby interviews such a diverse population of individuals, and draws out such inspiring and thoughtful perspectives about what it means to “live wildly”. I love that she doesn’t just focus on talking about impressive achievements (though there’s plenty of that too!), but really digs into understanding the mindset, challenges, and life tactics of her guests. Anyone, regardless of their lifestyle, can take away relatable life advice and areas of growth - surrounding myself with these episodes has helped me reflect on how I can dig deeper to live more intentionally and authentically to myself. Thanks Shelby!!
  • ellwalllllkher
    Big fan
    Love the show. The stories here inspire me to get out there for my own adventures. Especially when I’m stuck in the car heading to my grind for the day. Helpful reminder that this life we life can be a wild and beautiful adventure if we put in the energy to make it that way.
  • Duggan7
    This podcast is so freaking awesome.
    I just listened to the Meg Fisher episode and her frontal lobe description…how her personality changed after her accident. What??? Crazy interesting and the fact that Betsy, her dog was such an integral part of beginning her recovery. Perfect. Thank you Meg!
  • CHD0911
    Infused with Intelligence & Hope
    Listening to this podcast’s positivity as Shelby interviews her guests is encouraging in this day of negative ear worms. ‘Wild Ideas’ is never boring and teaches me something I want to know, every time I listen. It’s been a shot in the arm of remembering there are a LOT of good and interesting people and things going on in our world. Thanks for broadcasting the Love of Humankind in this great radio journalism, Shelby and team!
  • chocolet
    Inspiring, engaging and inclusive
    I am an avid outdoors advocate and have started listening to every episode. It is real, honest, the questions are thoughtful and I have already put a few ideas into my life and trying things I didn’t know about until listening to this. I know a couple of the speakers and had no idea about the depth of their life beyond working with them. My mind is opened. Highly recommend.
  • jonasclh
    Love this so much ♥️
    The stories are wonderful but I love the energy the host has! Another plus is that she’s from Georgia which is where I first fell in love with being outdoors. As a brown woman, it’s so cool to hear the stories of other people of color and their experiences outdoors. This is my favorite podcast!
  • jflobot
    Life Altering
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for about a year now. It’s changed my life. I’ve been through back surgery, losing my job, and my wife over the past year as well as the stresses of COVID, Black Lives Matter movement/police violence, and wildfires destroying homes and our beautiful ecosystems. Shelby and Wild Ideas has been there for me through the whole thing, helping to inspire me, keeping me moving forward. If you’re looking for something to inspire, listen to the episode with Mike Posner. It’s helped change my life. Check out those two books! Someday I aspire to share my story on this show! Thanks Shelby.
  • Fostering Joy
    Thank you for sharing the WILD
    I am a fan of adventure and sometimes feel that side of life gets hushed and we are encouraged to fall in-line. Shelby is an amazing host helping us all break out sharing adventures big and small. It’s such a joy to listen to each episode. I now have a burning desire to surf…and so do the kids. Thanks for adding this to our dream list of family experiences :) Heidi Ordinary Sherpa
  • Snoriko
    This is the most inspiring podcast!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for the last year trying to catch up on all the episodes and have been so inspired. Last fall I ran my first half marathon and am training for a full one. Less than one year ago I hated running, and never thought I’d be able to do anything like this. I’ve also picked up rock climbing and did my first pull up ever, something I was always told the average woman couldn’t do. I love hearing about how extreme women athletes deal with anxiety and fears, as that has always held me back. After my own bad skiing accident and surgery, I’ve been having trouble getting my confidence back and it has helped so much knowing that even these amazing women deal with the same issues. Keep up the great work Shelby! You are making a huge difference in my life!
  • footballluv
    My favorite podcast
    I really enjoy how diverse the topics are. I listen to topics I don’t even think will interest me and they always do. I think Shelby does a great job with her interviews, she is easy to listen to.
  • _miel_
    Diverse, Brilliant, Insightful
    So appreciative of the diverse stories being shared here. Each episode teaches me something valuable and gives me a glimpse of the world through a another set of wise eyes. Thank you.
  • Chemgirl007
    Thank you
    Thank you Shelby for creating an inspiring podcast with your creative take and perspective and amazing guests - love listening to you.
  • AK97214
    Less union busting than their other podcasts
    While this podcast has less union-busting corporate speak than the “Our REI” podcast hosted on their website, it’s still not worth listening to. Support the REI union in SoHO.
  • Tyler_Marko
    union busting scum
    see title
  • Jodrix
    inspiring and great!
    This is one of the best outdoor adventure podcasts to listen to! whether I’m hiking, on a road trip or commuting to work, this will motivate you and keep your wandering soul full. Shelby does a great job as a solo host & asks insightful questions, it never gets awkward or boring. This is a must-listen for anyone who needs their fill of adventure!
  • Midwest mugwumps
    So empowering!!!
    This is a must-listen-to for me. I’m learning about so many amazing people, ideas, books, and places that it feels like it’s just cracking open the world for me. Love love love.
  • Ignatius J. Reilley
    Awesome. Motivational. Stoke is high
    Every episode talks with people that are so dang passionate about whatever it is they do. Interesting topics. Incredible people. It is super motivating, and just informs you about some many different things that are happening in the world. One of my favorite podcasts Update: 09/10/2021 - just want to reiterate that this is by far my favorite pod, and always extremely motivational. I’ve been going through what has been the worst two years of my life. I am making strides to improve myself in any way I can, and listening to these episodes always gives me motivation and perspective. Definitely can’t say I’m there yet but I am taking small steps toward living a wilder life worth living. Thanks for what you are doing and I really hope this pod keeps going!
  • ulzzzie
    THE outdoor adventure podcast.
    THIS. is the podcast you need to be listening to. If you love adventure, the outdoors, getting inspired, and learning about somebody new.... this is for you! So glad we ran into you on our bikes Shelby! -beWilder- Uliana
  • mikEnminE
    Great series
    Shelby does fantastic work. Many inspirational episodes. Thanks REI and all sponsors for continuing this podcast.
  • lindarur
    Shelby is a fantastic host!
    I love these episodes! Always great, meaningful content. Shelby showcases her guests in such a deep and kind way. Never a disappointment, always inspiring. Thank you for introducing me to these amazing people!
  • Superawesome321
    This podcast used to be great. Now every single episode has some type of woke-tivism spun in. More adventure stories, less pandering and agendas please.
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Shelby, host of the Wild Ideas Worth Living podcast, highlights all aspects of traveling on the go and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • dirtbean
    My Favorite Podcast
    So enjoyable and inspiring to listen to. Always makes me happy listening to the stories guest share. I had a hard time finding a podcast that was interesting and the host wasn’t boring or annoying lol. Shelby does an excellent job at facilitating meaningful conversation and exploring some of the more difficult topics. 100/10 recommend.
  • endofhumanity?
    REI claims they care. They’re just capitalist.
    The host is fine- sometimes she provides some interesting stories. Often they are just boring. My real problem is how REI claims all their sustainable actions while broadcasting endless ads for the Ford Bronco Sport. Do you all understand global warming? Gas burning SUVs are a major contributor to CO2 emissions, and should not be purchased in 2021 new. The ad encourages people to drive to the mountains, REI should not encourage us all emit up to the mountains. Really ironic. You cannot have it both ways.
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Shelby, host of the Wild Ideas Worth Living podcast, highlights all aspects of adventure, the outdoor, and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Go Maggie Go
    My favorite morning fuel
    I began listening a few months ago on my walks to work in the morning. Every episode brings new revelations. It is one of the most empowering ways I have found to begin my day. Even the few episodes I felt unexcited about before starting, have left me surprisingly energized. I thought I couldn’t engage with Shelbys interview of Ben Moon discussing his dog Denali, not being a dog owner myself, and yet I felt so connected with the messages within the cast it quickly became a favorite. While the entire podcast centralizes over a main theme of empowerment and self acceptance, there are so many intricate avenues of those ideas explored throughout the different episodes; I am never bored. I always feel better about myself after listening and I am continually inspired by this cast to follow whatever is igniting my passion each morning. Thank you Shelby (and all who make this possible)!
  • jsteel21
    Ford Bronco
    I’m so sick of listening about REI’s partnership with Ford Bronco. REI, you just lost a listener and a customer. Terrible branding mistake.
  • Kaylee Wang
    Really touched by Tyrhee’s story! Keep sharing your story!!
  • joellek555
    Favorite podcast along with vitamin joy
    This podcast inspires me and makes me look forward to life more. Lessons can be learned from every guest, and you don’t have to climb Mount Everest or bike across the country to chase the feelings the guests are trying to get at. Shelby knows how to keep the conversation engaging, honest and relevant.
  • Darwin girl
    Binge listener turned believer
    A life ago/year ago I discovered podcasts via the app on my iPhone...the pandemic lockdown provided time to listen...this week you interviewed Brett Eldridge?!?! Great human being to shed light on, however I wonder how edger boogie his pup is doing? I was for the millionth time walking my husky while listening tbh...
    Such a wonderful podcast!
    Just discovered this podcast! So great. Awesome guests and host.
  • holisticallyou
    Truly Life-Changing
    I grew up hiking and backpacking, but over time and many moons of desk jobs, I’d really gotten away from the heart of who I am….UNTIL I STARTED LISTENING TO THIS SHOW! What an amazing compilation of interviews from different athletes and outdoor adventurers who share their story and mentality behind living their fullest life! The stories and interviews have inspired me to get outside more, and I’m feeling great.
  • Julupinacci
    This podcast is so inspiring! It is a breath of fresh air during my work day! Shelby is so relatable and so human. Keep up the great work!
  • Agingrider
    If you’ve got some time, you want to hang with Shelby
    I love listening to podcasts as I hike up the little peak behind our neighborhood with our dog Jewel. My latest binge, Wild Ideas Worth Living, has introduced me to an array of people whose stories surprise and inspire me. I’ve learned about microfibers in ocean waters, product design at Arc’teryx and Fjallraven, musicians who surf and hike, a snowboarder who fights climate change, a backcountry skier who skis terrifying lines, a self-described “fat cyclist” who defies stereotypes and a cancer survivor who celebrates his dog. As I lace up my boots in the predawn darkness I ask Jewel, “Where will Shelby take us today?” You introduced the founder of the Rebelle Rally and as I hear Emily’s confident, mature voice I picture her as the high school kid I first met who came to visit her brother, and my close friend, Jim in Colorado as he convalesced from surgery. Her remarkable life journey barely poked out from your wonderful interview. That’s where the beauty of your podcasts lie. Your prep and planning for each interview allows the conversation to flow effortlessly as people open up, prompted by your innate curiosity and ebullient personality. I love to learn and every podcast is a gift. Thanks.
  • FunGorilla
    Love it
    This is a really fun and interesting podcast that i love to listen to
  • The Cunning Stunts
    Innovative Outdoor Stories
    This show and the Dirtbag Diaries are my go-to outdoor podcasts. There’s so much to explore when it comes to being outside, yet finding innovative and ground-breaking outdoor enthusiasts and having them share their stories makes being outside even more enjoyable.
  • Yele360
    Trying too hard to be woke
    Women and “People of Color” are a minority of participants in outdoor sports, but you sure wouldn’t know it from the agenda being pushed on this podcast.
  • Cwamne
    Must listen
    Wild Ideas Worth Living is amazing; very laid-back energy, candid, and fun. The stories and guests are very unique and interesting. I definitely recommend you listen, each episode is a new little journey.
  • J. Barshop
    I love discovering new ideas here
    Shelby hosts an array of world-class guests, but what makes these interviews special is her ability to extract those bits of gold that resonate deeply. Wild Ideas Worth Living is more than just an adventure podcast - it's a must listen for anyone interested in exploring their own physical and emotional evolution. Thanks so much for having a positive impact on thousands of lives, Melissa and keep up the incredible work! 🙌
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