Barstool Rundown

Sports #60

El Pres, KFC, and Big Cat and the rest of Barstool Sports break down the biggest and funniest stories/videos from the internet that day. The Rundown is the Front Page of the Internet in audio form, presented with a slant on men's humor in a locker room atmosphere.

You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Recent Reviews
  • pbjeveryday
    Chaps is a horrible personality the dude is horrendous please keep him behind the scenes he’s such a doichebag I would gladly fight chaps the man is that nerve racking he’s the problem with this world
  • TonyB507
    The election schtick was funny for a minute. Didn’t need 8 minutes of it
  • Blakesgotjokes
    Barstool NY is boring now
    Boring. Not what it once was.
  • sven0940
    Listen on Mondays
    Good early in the week when the stars contribute. Boarder line unlistenable when the C- Listers take the mic later in the week. It’s really annoying that they shoehorn in pre-recorded ads every 2 minutes.
  • Dontpush39
    Getting Crazy
    What is going on with all these commercials? It’s crazy, episode I just listened to 30 something seconds in there was one and what seemed like every 5 minutes after.
  • Braves Stoolie
    Too Inconsistent
    Occasionally they’ll have Pres and Bigcat on, killing it like the old days, the next they’ll have on a bunch of NYC bleeding heart liberals failing miserably at an attempt of comedy. The left is incapable of being funny. One dude kept saying, “The Washington R-words”, because he refused to say Redskins. When you’re too afraid of offending somebody, you’re show will always be trash.
  • Stormgoltz
    Much better
    Much better after John rich took over. Love the variety now instead of the same three people
  • Mr. Memory2
    hits and misses
    i used to listen daily. its just sooo woke that you cant enjoy it. barstool as a pirate ship is a done lol… its indistinguishable from corporate media. im looking for a new home.
  • Dylan From Atlanta
    More Brandon Walker
    More Brandon Walker on the Rundown. On another note… 5 minutes into the August 11 episode and it’s super cringe. Whoever these people are, please never let them on The Rundown again.
  • jdscribna
    List who’s on it
    Listened via podcast for the first time today. In the description start listing who’s on the show and you’re solid!
  • Jordan_Law
    The Chicago guys are the worst. I can literally listen to any other hosts, these guys I have to skip every time. Please stop. Make it listenable on Wednesday again. Please for the love of God get Eddie and the other idiots off the show (I like Eddie) they’re just so boring.
  • Joe Canter
    Great but give us the all stars
    Give us more Chicago rundowns and or rundowns with Nick
  • Sloppy Nutrients
    Chicago rundown is 1000x better than the NY rundown. More of that.
  • communitynewspodcast
    Love barstool
    Please have paul and Sasha from community news podcast on your show. The combo would be amazing and hilarious.
  • A Satisfied Customer 666
    Not Broke Don’t Fix
    Title: Today’s Date Description: Hosts Topics Quit writing blogs in the show notes and titles smh
  • willymostudley69420
    Thank you for putting the hosts in the info
  • SteveSchmchr
    Please, love yourselves a little more
    Baretool vs America? Your staff gets money and prizes? Engage your fans. All of your shows just talk about how great you are and how you are underdogs. You aren’t. You made it. Do more than push your own employees on your shows. It’s very old. Pick different topics on different shows. I can’t do PMT, Rundown, and KFC anymore because it’s just the same stuff over and over and over. Also, no one likes New York but New York. This kind of crap is why. You live in a gross city and aren’t good at anything you people talk about.
  • 223534553
    Tell me who’s hosting
    Idk who the other fat sounding people are but if it’s not Dave big cat or kfc please tell us so we can skip it.
  • Jake1010greaterthanyou
    Tell us who is hosting. Tommy is horrible
    If big cat isn’t on it. I’m not listening. Tn
  • Good Roaster
    Tommy is not good at the rundown
    I Love this daily show but Tommy is alarmingly bad on this program
  • marketguru
    No Tommy
    Tommy ruins it every time. It was one of the best shows and now they don’t care enough to find literally anyone else to be on it. He is the absolute worst.
  • Eli the boss
    No Tommy
    I genuinely enjoy this show with any cast except for tommy, I don’t know why and I’ve tried to like him. Seems like a good guy but I’m at the point where I delete every show he’s on and it’s been a lot recently.
  • SobiKenobi
    Can you idiots just tell me who is hosting in the info
    I know you’re gonna cover vaguezly related sports topics or an upper decker dump. Just tell me ahead of time which particular morons are voicing their opinion. Sent with love
  • ryangugs
    Fire Podcast
    Greta basketball content Great interviews
  • Shii Koeii
    Would KFC cheat on the Atlanta Hawks Karen?
    Or would she need to be pregnant?
  • jakeL5tu
    Long time listener, great daily updates
  • Stuggghggg
    Stop letting tommy host
    Tried the experiment to actually let him contribute to something at barstool and it just doesn’t do it. Let just about anyone else host please and I’ll start listening again
  • chrisc211
    Good stuff
    Always fun, just wish the bio for each ep would say who is hosting. Hate Tommy Smokes Eps
  • Columbus resident
    Tik Tok?
    One more story about tik tok kids and this long time listener is out
  • Fhjif
    Not the same without Dave daily
    Show is not worth listening to if Dave and Big Cat are out. Just don’t care what the B team has to say, which is pretty much all it’s been since May. Sad
  • Joesasquach
    What happened to el pres
    Used to be the best podcast and a must listen. But with el pres skipping 80%, they are awful. Brandon Walker in particular is a giant wet fart
  • ja_hawn
    We need more Eddie
    “You don’t got three spots where you flick the bean” - Eddie to Kacey
  • Bwade2
    I’d consider giving this 5 stars but the volume issues are irritating. I turn my headphones completely up and can still barely hear what they’re saying. This is the only barstool pod I have issues with.
  • Emmett12Engel
    Imagine if a thirteen year old from Boston got famous. He is a lightning rod. Blackout Tuesday - all he had to do was post a black square into his Instagram and he couldn't even do that without making back page news. Also, after not apologizing for using a racial slur we had to make sure he wasn't a white supremacist. But then oh, wait!! He interviews a president who calls white supremacists "very fine people" it's gotten to the point now where I feel horrible for everyone else at the company, especially people who have been putting up with this bs for a while now like Big Cat and KFC.
  • birddgang
    Ya dig
    Brandon walker, Nick, and Rone should be the squad everytime. Great podcast when KFC IS NOT on it. He’s not funny, his voice is so irritating.. he’s just a smug little squeak.
  • Mild214
    You already know what for, which is why you should have been an adult and apologized
  • AquaMellon
    Volume issues
    Great show when Brandon walkers hick ass isn’t there. What’s up with the volume on the mics. This is the only podcast where I have to turn the volume up all the way on my car Bluetooth.
  • RothInWyoming
    Kings of Comedy
    If you want to laugh, give it a listen.
  • geuebeh
    Disgusting Company
    The Barstool company is sickening and extremely racist, sexist, homophobic and overall hateful. Do your research before you support this ridiculous company.
  • gw11223344
    Total hypocrites
    All should have agreed on the firing of kmarko. Used to like barstool but like every other site they have chosen to get political! Has he buried your skeletons? Hope no one starts digging
  • alexmicheletti
    Rundown is the best
    The Barstool Rundown is one of my favorite things to listen to after work each day. Dave, Dan and KFC all together is absolutely hilarious!!
  • em@nkcin
    Newest rival to Papa John
    Degenerate Stock broker attempts to beat Papa John’s monthly pizza record, while a gleeful isolationist and dazed gambler, filling his void with amazon toys, narrate the chaotic break that ensues.
  • mcmillinevan
    El pres
    I stay all day waiting for this content, pres doing 70% of the pod doing stocks that were 4 hours prior, while also putting out those exact same takes on the blog, stinks. Take 20 minutes out of your day to do what stoolies crave or give it to someone else. Boo.
  • Skeat123
    How is the audio so low on this podcast? Can barely hear with volume to the max.
  • Eightbitjedi
    Audio is low on volume.
    Can barely hear u Dave.
  • Tsaturn44
    Rundowns not posting in pod form anymore?
    Looks like the last 2 weren’t posted. Just checking.
  • bschultz1120
    Love it
    Viva La Stool
  • Bruins4TheCup
    Never consistently uploaded
    See above
  • kilstein
    Would be great 3 stars for when kfc is on the show and I can’t listen he’s probably the worst podcaster on barstool
  • ESinDC
    Salt of the earth
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