Mad Men Happy Hour

TV Reviews #176

The officially unofficial podcast for AMC's Mad Men. News, Episode Recaps and Analysis, your feedback and more, all about the Mad Men TV series.

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  • April from Maryland
    A Devoted Listener! Here in 2022!
    The sad truth is, I didn’t watch Mad Men when it was on the air. I binged on Netflix around 2018/19 and then re-watched countless times during the pandemic. Here I am 3-4 years later and I’m still obsessed with Mad Men. I bought the entire show, the Carousel Book, and follow the more current re-watch podcasts. But it was these listening habits that led Apple pods to recommend Mad Men Happy Hour and I have been hooked on Jim and A. Ron ever since. I love getting to listen to them watch the show in real time and I honestly wasn’t expecting to! But number one…they have me CRACKING UP! Number 2, their commentary is always excellent. And finally what really makes the show is all the research they do, the listener letters they read, and the information they share from interviews the cast and creators were doing back when the show was airing. So I just want to say thank you guys for making a great show and keeping it available for us late bloomers. I’m not sure if you still read these but if so, I wish I watched and knew about you all back when it mattered. I would’ve loved to be resident Black woman correspondent #2! 😂
  • Christopher J Collins
    Favorite pod, please do early seasons
    Is there any way you guys could go back and do the earlier seasons? The podcast is great. Big fan.
  • Ashley_84
    Justice for Betty Draper
    I still listen to this podcast every time I rewatch Mad Men (which is probably yearly), and I still mostly enjoy it. But now that I’m older, I can’t believe how much these guys hated on Betty. They claim they didn’t like Don either, but still gave him the dissection that he deserved. It’s actually hard to listen to them be so dismissive of Betty, especially when it’s clear a lot of it is because they just didn’t remember the early seasons of the show. I hope at some point in time, they discuss the first four seasons (even if not each episode) to give the series the full analysis it deserves.
  • Donny is real
    Don Emmer Effin Draper
    Please go back and review seasons 1-4. You guys are a blast to listen to. I rewatch this show every other year. Still on my top 5.
  • Roxie heartbreaker
    Catchy title
    I have been listening to bald move recap podcasts through the run of Game of Thrones, and a few others, but took a bit of a break in order to find new media and they weren’t following the shows I’ve been watching. Just looked up the recap to accompany Mad Men, and am at once swaddled in furs by the tones of ARon and Jim’s voices, and also preeeeety bummed they started at season 5? So much delicious weird Sterling Cooper wildness to talk about, such cinematography, such soundtrack choices and shot framing to analyze!
  • Michelle510
    Worthy Annual relisten
    I rewatch Madmen once every year and relisten to this podcast along with it. I wish there was seasons 1-4. Love these guys
  • JedK.
    Not Bald Move’s Best
    Bald Move podcasts are usually amazing. After listening to several of their other podcasts, it drew me to re-watch Mad Men. This one, however, is harder to enjoy at times. You do start to wonder how closely they follow the show as they cannot keep up with character names and earlier plot points. Jim and A.Ron are entertaining personalities for sure. I did listen to all 3 seasons of coverage before writing this review.
  • DrSFJones
    Excellent TV Analysts
    Insightful and entertaining. Great listening for the ride to and from work. A great find.
  • RamseyFlay
    Best podcasters on TV & film
    Hands down the best podcast duo available for popular tv and film!! A must for anyone who enjoys quality television &/or movies!! Keep up the good work AAron & Jim!!!
  • futuredrew
    Close the door, have a seat
    Mix yourself an Old Fashioned and download the go to companion podcast to the best show to ever be produced in America.
  • d r e a m y
    Not Very Good
    One of the hosts is very sexist, the other is only vaguely aware of the show he's discussing.
  • CodSteaks
    Quality, as expected
    As with most Bald Move podcasts, this one is full of humor, intelligence, and insight in to what has become one of my favorite TV shows. I highly recommend this and all of their other ‘casts. Keep it up, guys.
  • GiantsFan518
    Another Great Podcast from Bald Move
    These guys are simply the best. I love their coverage and analysis of some of the best shows on TV. They do a great job of recapping the episodes and are very informational about news and theories involving each show they cover. This is a must listen.
  • Amp5441
    Best TV/Movie Podcast
    I started with the Mad Men Happy Hour and really enjoy their podcasts! They really delve into every aspect of the episodes and now I download their podcast for all the other shows I watch. Love their humor and chemistry too.
  • adeleroses
    Must listen for any self respecting Mad Men fan.
  • Mudarling
    Gonna miss the show and this Podcast
    I have been a listener from the beginning and was really excited when you guys started covering one of my favorite shows on TV. I binge watched Mad Men when the third season was beginning. I caught me from the very beginning and has never let go. This was my mother and fathers world and I was GREAT. Your insight is unmatched and it will surely be missed. Love the podcast and will be missed, much like the show.
  • Madmike6223
    Thank you guys
    I have been a Mad Men fan since season 2, but only discovered this cast last year. Your insights and sense of humor truly enhanced the Mad Men experience for me Thank you for that I have recommended you to other fans and also to people who are streaming the episodes and are behind also you mentioned in a mad men cast last year that you reviewed game of thrones I had heard of the show but never gave it a look until then a week later I was done with season 1 and less then a month later I was waiting for the start of season 5 THANK YOU so so so much for that!!!!!! I'm a huge fan of your GOT cast as well keep it up and, "can it be Sunday already??"
  • Yumnum
    Two Thumbs Up
    A. Ron and Jim really know their stuff. And they're funny. This is what discussing the show with my friends would be like if my friends were cool.
  • @handythinks
    Love it.
    Great job.
  • CeeFish
    Love the recaps
    I will miss Mad Men terribly. No new podcasts will make the sting even more painful....
  • Ahs789
    Hosts have no recollection of previous seasons & no concept pop culture. It's just dude on dude Don Draper worship Terrible.
  • Ammara
    Self proclaimed homophobic gets zero stars for ignorance in life and with mad men
  • SSPancho
    Mad men Wouldn't be complete without the bald move review
    Love a.ron and jim.
  • larry'sIPOD
    Always look forward to there podcast
    Great podcast! Listening to a Bald Move's podcast to a great show is the icing on a cake, the jelly in a PBJ and just completes the favorite program experience!
  • SophiaLabate
    Best TV Reviews
    Bald Move has the best TV podcasts by far, and I have listened to them all. The hosts love the shows they review, have thoughtful and interesting takes on the material, and respect the listeners. Their podcasts are in depth and entertaining. They do not yuk it up, have too many hosts, or overproduce their podcasts, like those idiots at AfterBuzzTV. This is the one to listen to.
  • Keirstan_H
    Not worth it
    1 and a half episodes in I had to call it and unsubscribe. The hosts seem nice enough but clearly don't put too much effort into putting together this podcast. They constantly fumble over basic plot points and I honestly can't tell if they're joking half the time with their theories. There are definitely better MM podcasts out there.
  • banditobo
    This is their job?
    These gents are likeable enough, but a casual fan of the show has a better understanding and insights into Mad Men than these two. Proof that not everyone needs a podcast.
  • Rubicon13
    Nice guys
    But they don't really know much about Mad Men. Sorry.
  • SilverElf11
    A weekly habit for MM time
    STRING I look forward to this podcast every week during the Mad Men season. The insightful analysis of the characters and plot lines is very thoughtful and entertaining. And I get some unintentional laughs from the holes in their knowledge of ‘60s culture - I mean, NO IDEA who Mike Nichols was?
  • Cardboard_Bender
    Great but....
    One of their only good shows they podcast on but the continual references to Alan Sepinwall and reddit are really annoying. Do they really even have their own opinions or only after they read and regertigate his ideas can they record a show? I know many people who follow great shows but none of them have even heard of Alan Sepinwall or would respect that hack. Please stop bringing him up on any of your podcasts. Still can't fathom them quitting The Americans podcast to then rip on House of Cards both superior to the junk they focus on in The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones to The Leftovers (TERRIBLE FACTUALLY) that don't even warrant talking about let alone an instant cast. In general decent back and forth conversations but they really read/tangent way too much into things for just TV shows. Not everything has to be like decoding Lost.
  • Bad Wolf 09
    Just a boring podcast,they ask for money up front, and they sort of remind me of Bevis and Butthead!
  • Nicolumbine
    Couldn't get through it
    They seem woefully uninformed regarding culture in general.
  • Daedelus15
    Where are earlier episodes
    Only the latest 8 episodes are on iTunes. Have to slog through my browser to listen to season 6 stuff. Get a sponsor if you can't afford hosting. Other than that a pretty good podcast but they end up merely summarizing the episodes a little too much. Did gain some new insight from listening though.
  • Not that lame
    This Podcast rules!
    Great analysis, great show!
  • linothejr
    Excellent Podcast!
    The Bald Move guys simply have the most entertaining takes on my favorite television shows.
  • nymets555
    Good stuff
    Not as great as the GoT podcast but still excellent.
  • Joetheviv
  • ROHF4L
    Great Show!
    Very rich discussion and appreciate the research the hosts do before discussing the show in order to provide the most insight into this amazing show. Like Breaking Bad, I hope you guys have time, you go back and revisit seasons 1-4 now that you guys have gone full time. This show opened my eyes to how much better Mad Men is than I thought.
  • Jen ZZ
    First listened to these guys re-capping Mad Men. Love them so much I started searching for other casts they do.
  • pebble-beach
    These guys are great
    I'm actually not a huge fan of the tv show but I love hearing these guys talk about it.
  • SkylarBreaksBad
    Best Mad Men Podcast
    fun and informed
  • JJNYC114
    Could be a lot better
    One of these guys is pretty dumb. He comes up with stupid and implausible theories. Has very little knowledge but acts like he knows more than he does. Listening to him is like listening to nails on a chalkboard. The other guy sounds more thoughtful. You can tell he is annoyed by the dumb one but bites his tongue out of politeness.
  • OakUptownGirl
    Perfect opening music
    I was looking for a Mad Men podcast and what luck to discover Bald Move that also covers some of my other favorite shows. I think this one is the best of their podcasts. The hosts have good camaraderie and banter. They do some research on the obscure references so that we do not have to and they adore this amazing show. I dance my fanny off to the opening music. Love it.
  • TeeeBeeeJay
    The Harry Crane of Podcasts
    I have given this podcast a fair shot (at least 10 episodes) and I am done. Even the most casual fan of the show would be shocked at their utter lack of basic character history. They did remark several times that they started the show a few seasons in, but this explanation is unacceptable considering the fact that the show is available on Netflix and they have a full year between seasons to catch up. For Pete's sake (no pun intended), a simple Wikipedia search of Mad Men characters would take less than an hour. I must add that these two are far too similar in their opinions and that severely limits their insight. I also find them to be, quite frankly, chauvinistic. If they add a female who knows the history of the show, this podcast would have potential. As it is, it is unlistenable.
  • Pop Analyst
    A. Ron can do no wrong!
    Love it.
  • LRBK
    You rock!!!
    I love your show almost as much as I love Mad Men! The balance between good insight and humor is perfect. I wish I could join you for a drink and chat about our favorite shows. Let me know when you are in Brooklyn. My husband and I are huge fans. Keep up the good work. And thank you!!! Linda
  • Purplecow13
    Don't bother - so many better ones out there
    These guys are pretty clueless. They have no knowledge of the era, or even about the characters. They are even confusing Dawn and Shirley, something that was emphasized in the actual episode. Do not waste your time on this podcast.
  • Don Draper's Lapel
    You should probably watch the show first...
    …before hosting a podcast. Or rename it the Mad Men Brocast. I get the impression that you respect the show to a certain degree, but can't really be bothered to watch the whole show before commenting on it. I like the relaxed nature of it, but come on, dudes. "Yeah…I don't know, never seen that episode…what's the chick's name.." You had NO idea who Anna Draper's niece Stephanie was? F*ckin' annoying, bros. Get it together. Leaving this podcast. There's got to be better ones out there.
  • BabsyB
    Fab Pod Cast
    Really love your podcast. Thanks
  • BradLonamoped
    It is past 5:30PM on the east coast on a Tuesday after a Mad Men episode, and there is still no Bald Move podcast! I am getting concerned. Please show some sign of life soon. In all seriousness, you guys are the best TV review podcasters in the business, and your MM cast is up to par with your Breaking Bad and House of Cards stuff.
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