Prophecy Watchers


Gary Stearman and Mondo Gonzales explore the world of Bible prophecy.

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Recent Reviews
  • JD35
    I stick around for Stearman
    I love Gary’s sermons and lessons. Mondo however make me nervous when listening while driving. He appears to be completely incapable of finishing his thoughts and constantly chases one squirrel for another. I use to listen to each and every podcast uploaded, now it’s just Gary’s. Gary is calm, well spoken and reassuring. Mondo appears to be over caffeinated, nervous, and unfocused.
  • Sam Raven
    Can Mondo actually finish any sentence he starts? Never a complete thought finished nor can he get through any commentary without having to qualify his statement. Unfortunately, this is so distracting I find myself zoning out and not paying attention to the message…because I can no longer tell what the message is. Otherwise, terrific podcast.
  • Revelation 3:13
    Friend of GOD
    “Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other.” Proverbs 27:17
  • ^Ash^
    Absolutely amazing
    I listen every day! I am learning so much! I wish I could find a church that would talk and preach about the things you talk about on here. I love learning about revelation and prophecy and creation and everything the church refuses to talk about. This is my favorite podcast! I love it so much. Thank you for making scripture so much easier to understand and so much more interesting than I have been taught in any church.
  • Dspizzy
    I enjoy this show for in depth look into the Bible and prophecy. But Christians today are the problem with people leaving Christianity. The downtrodden outlook “Democrats” are ruining everything narrative, while glazing over the fact that republicans and “So called” Christians are spewing hate and exclusion. I don’t believe that Jesus would have approved of the majority of “Preachers”, “Pastors” and the like. His message was love. Love for GOD and Live for each other. Not JUDGEMENT from Humans, which is what modern day Christianity has become.
  • loonladymt
    Mystery Babylon
    I was very disappointed in this program because the whole time was spent praising the author but very little time was spent in the details of why America could be Babylon. Essentially you did a half hour of Infomercial to try to sell the book. How about you just get to the point and share the major reasons why you believe America is Babylon and why you believe she will be destroyed. By the way, I have long suspected this-thus I was very disappointed with this program! Comment 2: A comment for episode 825… come on Gary! Frogs are NOT reptiles-they are amphibians!! Mondo-PLEASE let your guest SPEAK! It’s very frustrating to listen to you taking up the time that should be given to your guest!
  • Remus1@
    God is always right
    As a scientist, I can appreciate the opinions expressed in this episode. Any Christian exposed to Darwin in the public schools and the “scientific facts” that draw multiple conclusions at the same time and are soon overturned by new “facts”, I have wrestled with “old vs new earth”. The Bible is correct- bottom line. Faith is what is required to be counted among the righteous bride of Christ. Science WILL lead the faithful away from salvation and I believe it will be a fundamental aspect of the end times “Great Deception”. Please air a follow up to this episode and emphasize these truths to your listeners. Shadrach Meshach Abednego wouldn’t have entered the furnace if they needed their mind/ senses to inform their faith.
  • I’m RCHY
    Without form and void
    To begin a podcast saying one will not disclose the highly regarded theologian’s name, speaks badly for these two guests and for Prophesy Watch to air a broadcast with them. Whether it be the now deceased Tim Keller or Francis Collins, or others leads down a rabbit trail to Biologics and its anti-Biblical doctrine. Mondo and Gary, I almost cannot believe you all stooped to this false doctrine. Guys, please do your research and find out for yourselves how unbiblical this is. In just the first few minutes of this broadcast, the guests used a host of “fuzzy” words such as “might”, “could”, “why not”, etc. it’s now only ethical that you invite a true creationist such as Ken Ham on your program to counter what was broadcast in this latest episode. Blessings, Cynthia Young
  • 🍏iPhone
  • ThaddeusT
    Hidden Agenda
    They hid it in the past, but it is out in the open and they are unashamed
  • Boboguard
    Almost good
    I wish they went more in depth. I am studying Pre, Mid and Post trib and whenever they talk about why pre trib is right and the others are wrong, they don’t go into a deep conversation why they are wrong. It feels like they just throw out phrases like, “Mid/Post trib people don’t have good hermeneutical insight.” Or, “Mid/Post trib people suggest that they shouldn’t take the Bible literally.” That has not been my experience. Please have a longer episode with a respected Mid trib person and a respected Post trib person and have a good conversation about why they believe what they believe
  • Nikky Coco
    Prophecy Watchers
    This is the best, most thorough, Podcast, Utube Channel, and App about Bible Prophecy that I have heard. I hold Mr Gary Stearman in the highest esteem, both as a true Believer and vast knowledge about not only Bible Prophecy but Bible Scriptures as well. When he speaks, his voice and manner of said speech, is comforting to me. I love to hear Mr Gary teach literally any subject pertaining to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. His knowledge amazes me. He also has great guest as well. I look forward to meeting Mr Gary Stearman in Heaven.
  • bebebuttercup💕
    Volume too low, not like other podcasts
    I can always mute or lower my volume, but maxing out my volume to hear your pod cast is ridiculous. I don’t have this problem with the other hundred podcasts Ive subscribed to, it’s just you guys! Half the time I can’t hear anything your saying! I’ll change my review when I can actually hear you!!!!!! The other podcasts are getting a 5 ok!?!?!!
  • YoureFreakingMeowt
    Honest and hopeful
    Thank you for doing an excellent job spreading truth through scripture and providing hope.
  • COCO Kershul
    Encouraging and Edifying!
    God bless you for this ministry. I learn so much every time I listen and always walk away encouraged.
  • Evrowbri 951
    Thanks to God!
    Edit-please help Mondo be more concise and better at connecting dots. He rambles and talks in incomplete thoughts. Love this podcast and the wonderful mix of guests and scholars. All the things I longed for in church but didn’t get. My only critique is that Mondo’s questions are often meandering and indirect, with strings of incomplete sentences. I really loved the way Gary Stearman lead the interviews…. Perhaps Gary can mentor Mondo on the art of interviewing. Thank you, and God bless this ministry!
  • Dataguy601
    All episodes
    I love the content of this podcast but HATE the audio! It’s so low that I can’t hear it at all when I’m at work where it’s just a little noisey. And that’s with AirPods in. HEAT THAT MIC UP BABY!!!!! Listeners in the library can always turn the volume down but I can’t turn it up any more! This is the ONLY podcast that I had a volume issue with. People are hungry for the content! Make it to where they can hear the word!
  • Crafting_Dreamer
    Echo on most recent podcast?
    Just wondering if the echo was heard by anyone else on the "Before Genesis" episode. Such a great example of satan trying to thwart any attempt of the truth about him being shared, but echo or not, the truth was heard! Amen!
  • 👊❤️😎🌪
    I’m interested in this topic and the truth that will emerge
  • michae320
    Highest Marks!
    There are few better podcasts for delivering, show after show, such a high level of sincere, unapologetic, holy humor. These guys and their guests REALLY sound like they believe what they’re saying! God does this, God does that… The end times are now… etc, etc. Amazing stuff. Keep it up guys! Thank you!
  • Crime Lover in Florida
    The Show is a Huge Blessing!
    I have been listening to this podcast for approx. 5 years! I have gained so much knowledge about the End Times that we are facing right now. You guys along with your guests have calmed my spirit! I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for your program and the knowledge that has been given to all of you! I praise God for you!
  • Silverback442344
    Jesus said not one piece of the mosaic law is removed from Torah until heaven and earth pass away. He said to listen and do what Moses teaches and to ignore the Pharisees because they keep Gods instruction without meekness and servitude. Jesus said you know if you know Him if you keep the commands and that love is keeping the commands. Jesus says the least in the kingdom of heaven will not keep the least of the mosaic commands and teach others to ignore them. This podcast is legalistic about not keeping the commands - otherwise, fair teaching.
  • Logos 1
    Great show!
    This show brings me great peace.
  • hshelly80
    Gary Stearman is a wonderful teacher
    I love studies with Stearman! He makes the Bible so easy to understand. He’s very knowledgeable. Thank you!
  • Jakey Diz
    More Studies With Stearman Please
    Gary gets it right. I want to hear all his sermons! Please post :-) thanks for all you do
  • jenniferjlee5123
    I have a new favorite
    Thank you for sharing. FLAMING SWORDS…. Really…. Leaving me hanging. 😩. Well I know who I am gonna read next. Thx so much. I am interested in ANYTHING biblical. History ESPECIALLY!! Whoo hooo! May God continue to shine His face upon you and your ministry! God Bless
  • Battlebirch
    Stuff Most Churches Won’t Cover
    Prophecy is the most interesting part of the Bible and you get very little in most churches. I MOSTLY appreciate that they don’t make stone cold “predictions” like many charlatans do. They give you their best interpretation, stating clearly that it’s still an educated guess in cases where none of us truly know all the answers to every prophecy. I somewhat disagree with the Pretrib Rapture view but I’m not an expert so I’m always open to it. Love the shows.
  • Rector22
    Great Work
    Someday you guys will figure out that there is no pre-tribulation rapture. The rapture is going to occur right before the Day of the Lord other than that repeated error, I love the podcast.
  • 🇺🇸🇮🇱✝️
    GOD Bless!
    I Love Gary and Mondo and everyone on this show your work is exalint and such a blessing to everyone! Keep serving JESUS and GOD BLESS!
  • SalishGirl76
    Great episode- Georgia Guidestones
    This was really interesting, great conversation and breakdown of the Georgia Guidestones. I first learned about these around 20 or so years ago. Thanks you guys! God bless you.
  • Koreysat
    It’s not New York.
    It’s not New York. It’s the Vatican. It’s a city. Pope drinks from a gold cup. Sits on many waters.
  • 65murph
    Keep doing what you’re doing.
    I’ve listened to this show for quite some time now and the thing I love is that you do not shy away from politics. While it’s unfortunate that politics needs to be brought into these discussions it’s quite clear that the vast majority of pastors and teachers have for far too long left unaddressed the leftward political drift our country and churches. Thankfully there are a few programs like yours out there who are calling out what the left (primarily)is doing to subvert truth and recreate it in “their” image. Please continue to be a beacon of information and encouragement in all that you publish.
  • r_caudill
    I’ve been listening for a quite a while now
    I’ve been listening for some time, I love this show but I have heard many episodes with too much politics involved. It seems like the newer shows have less of that in them which I am glad to see. God loves us all and politics are not required to make it to heaven.
  • $&@41970
    Bill Salus
    Doesn’t speak clearly, speaks fast, mumbles. Sometimes very hard to understand his point, which is a good point. I just have to replay it a few times to ‘get’ it. Love you brother, please slow down and speak more clearly and concisely. Thanks…
  • awake to the truth
    I’m pretty sure Darby was a Freemason. Until recently I was a dispensationalist. Not anymore. The Rothschilds have everything to do with Israel becoming a nation. Look into the history of the Balfour Declaration of 1917. This is what brought about Israel becoming a nation. And why does it have to become a nation again? I have no idea. And where does it say that in the Bible for our times? There is so much manipulation in all of Israel becoming a nation. God did not miraculously bring them all back as we are led to believe. It’s just very disheartening. Some famous person said, “The Jews left black and came back white.” Real Jews or Ashkenazi Khazarian Jews? Do your own research and connect the dots for yourself. Maybe John was really talking to who he said he was talking to in the Book of Revelation. The seven churches in Asia Minor. Maybe all of this happened to the Christians in AD 65-70. Nero the Beast? Maybe so. Don’t just listen to a podcast or read a book. God wants us to search the scriptures for answers. Why did Jesus say that some who are standing there would see His return? Was he lying? I think not!!! Also, why does John say it will all happen soon? Because it did happen soon!!!
  • nonickname29
    Very very interesting! I am constantly learning new things and gaining new insights. Really enjoy this!
  • Kafkasdrag
    Small phallus
    Christian death cult propaganda that venerates Trumps seed.
  • 179dfrsa
    Quack fringe nut job
  • Consoiracy Jim
    Important, but slightly flawed show
    This show is very important for the Church to hear since almost all episodes touch on things we need to know. Many of the guests speak on things that almost no one else in the Church is discussing. Of course, in the U.S., I suspect that most church goers aren’t true believers, so I shouldn’t be surprised if these issues aren’t often discussed. Concerning what I think the show lacks, and needs to be improved, is given below. The episode on May 3, 2021, with Billy Crone, is a good example of the flaw in this show: The hosts and guests sometimes don’t think critically enough, either about their own claims or the claims of others. I’ll mention an episode that I recently listened to since the problem is fresh in my mind. I’ve heard things on other topics (in other episodes) that are also flawed. In the episode above, the host and guest go about to claim that the pre-trib rapture theory is the correct position. The host mentions “the last trump” of Paul. This “last trump” is said by others to be the seventh trumpet of Revelation. The guest is then asked to discuss the problem with this position, but the guest never does. He skirts around the issue and somehow he and the host convince themselves that the issue has been addressed (though it hasn’t). The guest should have immediately pointed out what “last trump” means, but he never does. Still, somehow, he and the host think they’ve demonstrated their position to be true. This is very bad for a prophecy show that aims to educate the Church on important issues. The host and guest don’t even seem to understand the mid- and post-trib positions. If they do, then why would they avoid arguing against those positions? For example, the guest, when he was skirting around the issue of the last trumpet (rather than actually addressing the issue), claimed that since the Church is not appointed to wrath, the “last trump” couldn’t possibly be the last trumpet of revelation. This is actually an illogical argument since the issue is not wrath but what the last trumpet is. Nevertheless, if the two knew the other positions on the rapture, then they would know that I Thess. 5 says that the Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night ONLY upon the unbelievers, and NOT upon the believers. In fact, the whole chapter implies that believers are still there when the Day of the Lord comes. That’s why Paul admonishes the believers to be sober and vigilant, and not slumber as the unbelievers do. The guest and host should know this, and argue against it. The guest and host ignore this issue as if it were irrelevant. Later in the show, the guest claims that since Daniel was writing “to the Jewish people” before the Church even existed, and the subject is “the time of Jacob’s trouble,” he then says (as though this implies that) “the Church isn’t even going to be around.” This is absurd. That’s the same as saying that since the Old Testament prophets spoke of the messianic kingdom and the future eternity with God before the Church existed, therefor the Church won’t be there in the messianic kingdom and in eternity. He implies, later, that since they didn’t know about the Church, therefor, nothing they wrote about applies to the Church or that they won’t be around. He’s picking and choosing what he wants to be the case. That’s the sort of faulty thinking that often occurs. He also makes an illogical argument when he claims that putting the Church in the great tribulation takes the focus off of Israel; this is nonsense. Revelation clearly distinguishes, several times, between the Church and the tribes of Israel. Since God himself places both groups in his great prophetic book, then for a mid- or post-tribber to do the same is not “replacement theology” (whether his timing of the rapture is correct is irrelevant here). The host and guest’s arguments are mostly emotional and based on arbitrary evidence. This is very sloppy for a prophecy podcast. Hopefully, too, you can see that I haven’t taken a position on this timing. You should be able to see that it is irrelevant to my review here. Another evidence that the guest and host don’t seem to understand non-pre-trib positions is that they claim that an argument against pre-trib is that “the word rapture is not in the Bible.” Well, that would be an argument claiming that the rapture doesn’t even occur, but the issue is not whether the rapture even occurs, but WHEN it occurs. He admonishes us to follow the logic, but he doesn’t even follow his own. He references I Thess. 4 as if to imply that the passage tells us the timing of the rapture, but it doesn’t. He tells us we need to do our homework, but he hasn’t even done his own. Also, in the above comments, my point is that in many of the episodes, while the show does discuss many important issues facing the Church and humanity, the show doesn’t critically examine the claims of the guests nor the hosts’ own positions so as to counter counter-arguments from anyone who might have a problem with what is being said. They may say that they don’t know everything, but when you never answer known counter arguments as though you are either ignorant of them or you just don’t care to, it makes your show’s intentions questionable. Are they really trying to get to the bottom of things, or are they just airing their opinions? It’s a great show; I just think they often appear ignorant of the problems in their own thinking and in the presentation of the issues. Many of their guest say things that are never questioned, but should be questioned - if only to make sure everyone understands what’s being claimed, let alone whether it’s the correct interpretation of things. If they truly understand the issues, then they should be critical of themselves and their guests’ claims. This is a prophecy show. And since there’s a great deception coming, the show should be more careful when making arguments.
  • UIC2014
    Excellent Work.
    Excellent work.
  • Jeremiah ben Jonah
    Be Holy...
    “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭14:12‬ ‭ Love, live and faithfully obey how the Word of GOD defines it, Biblically. And not by a pastor or author. Only Our Messiah can help HIS people unlearn false interpretations (pre-trib, etc.) whether it be from the world or from the pulpit! Maranatha!
  • BoGabriel
    Great inspiration biblical insight and Prochey
    I do enjoy Gary. He has such prophetic insight of the gospel of Christ Jesus. His studies with Sterman are my favorites. God bless you all.
  • XiansAgainstXianNationalism
    Lol u stupid
  • MsDesl1980
    everything is coming true
    I want to be stupid again! I was a teacher. I reported misuse of state funds, and my husband committed bigamy. California doesn’t enforce laws. They wanted me dead. Even my lawyer knew that, but they rather label me as crazy. There is a real spiritual war going on right now. *called the police because my ex husband who committed bigamy threatened my life. Apparently he needs to pretty much kill me. The bigamy itself isn’t enough of a crime anymore. Only in California!
  • mask r as useless as Joe
    Kingdom come
    I listened to the episode about the covenant of dan 9:27 and heard the question in ask Gary if the Antichrist will really die and resurrect or not. Gary said that we don’t know what the deadly would is. I’m 100% ok if you don’t believe me but I believe that the wound was made by napoleon in 1798 and was given to the papacy. In A D 538 the papacy officially gained power. In 1798 napoleon was tired of taking orders from the pope so he imprisoned him. Rev 13:10 if anyone is taken captive, into captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain by the sword, with the sword he must be slain. Dan 7:25 and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. To Hebrews a time is a year, times is 2 years, half a time is 1/2 a year. 1+2+1/2 is 3 1/2 years. In the Hebrew calendar, a month is 30 days. 42 Hebrew months is 3 1/2 years.Ezekiel 4:4-6 says 1 day is a year. Who wants to do the math? I have more reasons for believing that the papacy is the Antichrist, they are in dan 7 and rev 13. Gary, I hope you consider what I wrote and I really love the show it’s help me to be more knowledgeable of bible prophecy.
  • 777JesusLovesYou777
    God Bless
    Great place to grow as a Christian, Jesus loves you. God bless
  • Bama Sue
    Wonderful, Biblically Sound Podcast
    This is an excellent podcast, with interesting prophecy guests, as well as Individual Bible studies, by Gary. I always benefit from these encouraging programs. Thank you so much and may God continue to bless this ministry!!
  • Blane♡
    Interesting topics with so much knowledge
    Thank you for having these podcasts, they are so great to listen to so many great people of God with such Diverse topics and all in the Bible. ✨✨✨✨💕
  • BeckySueIndy
    Awesome show!
    I have learned so much from listening to Gary’s teachings, and I really appreciate how Gary backs everything up with Gods word the Bible and I can follow along with him in the Scripture! Thank you for all that you do!
  • nealpyle
    Prophecy watchers
    Pretty good when they talk about prophecy and not trying to sell products
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