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nshehdhehheGreat podcastGreat podcast, keep them coming
heudihrBest Podcast!This is by far the best podcast to get volleyball news. Travis and Tri are so knowledgeable and fun to listen to. This is not just a sports journalist telling news about the sport…they live it. Keep up the great work!!! Shoots!!!
Kristin735Would give 6 stars if they could fix the sound.Content is awesome and I listen to all episodes. I listen in the car and unfortunately the volume swings from too low to to high. The opening music is always much louder than the last thing I was listening to. I immediately turn it down, then I can't hear the dialogue. Tri's voice is often far to quiet. I have to turn the sound up and down constantly. Sometimes I just give up and delete the episode.
TheThinBeastGreat beach volleyball insights…Love the show and the inside look at the players’ lives and backstories. Loved the behind the scenes stories from The Thin Beast and others. Please get the audio levels in line. Can’t hear Tri at all and Travis blows my eardrums. It’s especially obvious when I go from your podcast to another. One other recommendation. I realize it’s rated explicit for the rare F bomb that gets dropped, but I wish it wasn’t, so I could share it with my kids. Now that you guys are both family guys, maybe consider bleeping that rare bomb and increasing your audience reach.
whwgddkendxBest Volleyball Podcast out thereTri and Travis have a great podcast, bring an inside look into the life of a beach volleyball player
VBHikingladySandcast gives great Volleyball InfoTri & Trevor talk to a variety of indoor & beach players along with coaches and others involved in the sport. It is both entertaining and informative.
BVB-infoCommentGreat podcast! Love the content. I am not sure if you guys have covered this, but im sure a lot of fans would love to hear the financial side of the beach and indoor scene. ie for the beach side how much goes in to travel, coaches, and training versus how much you actually can take home from tournaments and sponsors. Would love to also hear about indoor contracts, agents, and a ball park of what they are making on that side. This would be beneficial to the youth that are interested in becoming a professional.
Acmo09A must follow for beach volleyball fans!!Love the podcast and the insights on what the different tours are like. Great guests as well. One small critique is some episodes Tri is hard to hear, especially when listening in the car. He may need to be a little closer to the mic. Love the Sandcast though and keep it up!!
Chi LisaFollowing the pro beach volleyball sceneGreat way to stay current with the beach volleyball pro scene, as well as learn more directly from players past and present their lives and perspectives on the sport.
Joshua.AdamBuild the Sport!Great job giving everyone the background stories that give the sport depth.
AzdrcixRefreshingSuper nice to tune in to something with original content. Nobody else has this going on and I think it will play a big role in growing beach volleyball as a whole. It’s nice to hear everyone’s stories, and create some depth to what we know about the pro athletes currently on tour and the ones working hard to get there. Running out of music to listen too.. late to the party, but im happy to have so much to catch up on. Keep up the awesome content 🤘🏻
GrSSamBest YetThat interview with Sean Rosenthal was my favorite yet. What a class guy. Thanks to Tri and Travis for a great show.
nholadayNice beach vball talk show, not enough advice on how to get betterNice beach volleyball show focused on the background of pro volleyball players from pro vball players. As Taylor Crabb's advice on the show was "be a student of the game" one thing I would like to hear more of is technical talk about how to get better. For example asking Norway's team "Christian, how come you almost never get blocked?" Or "Anders, when is a good time to split block? How do you decide between jump serve and jump float?" Instead we mostly get small talk about traveling and how they got into volleyball. Thanks for the show though!
Gujfarhvftyh5Awesome one of a kindLove this. It is the only thing out there that has good beach volleyball content.
East Coast Volley FanBest beach podcast everAs someone on the east coast, I'm not as in touch with the game as everyone living in California. Sandcast keeps me informed and entertained. Love it, keep up the good work!
ThebigblessingThe Best on Pro Beach VolleyballTravis Mewhirter is a gifted with the pen and the volleyball. Nobody covers the beach volleyball game better or with more entertainment than this podcast!
Surfing Grandma SuQuestionsA couple of things, I don't know where to ask questions and how do we find out who is going to be on so we can write a question. I love this podcast, I listen to it while walking my dog, the only complaint is that when Travis talks, it is clear and a good volume, but when Tri talks he sounds like he is further from the mic and I have to turn the volume up, until of course Travis talks again. Keep it up guys! Great conversations about Beach Volleyball!
J-DubsLove itKeep going guys! Love that you’re covering the ins and outs of the sport!!!
Elmo A.This podcast is legit!Tri and Travis have created a a must-listen podcast both beach volleyball enthusiast and casual fan will find fun and compelling! It’s a nuanced and in-depth look at the world of beach volleyball and it’s stars. Thanks guys!
MellsburyLong commuters dreamI love this podcast. I have over an hour to commute to work both ways and this is the only podcast that makes me not mind sitting in traffic. It is so interesting to hear what the players are really like. Trevor Crabb was by far my favorite guest. He was so funny and mixed with his real life friendship with Tri made the episode so much better. My only wish is that the guests could speak closer to the microphone bc I have to turn the volume to the maximum in order for me to hear the guests speak. You also sometimes get a fun chime in by Alexa. Keep up the good work and keep the podcasts coming!
HeLooksUpToMeNo Ka OiLove getting the back story on the people I've come to know as an online BVB fan. Great to get to know the person(s) behind the stats, the technical aspects, as wellas insights of the sport. "Sandstorm" and Travis continue to enlighten me on a fascinating profession.
louisckofficialLove it- keep it coming!:)
KVanillaThe best beach volleyball podcast out thereTri and Travis have created what is on it's way to being the most popular beach volleyball podcast in the states. Rivaled only by Coach Your Brains Out, these two do a great job of exploring everything that is beach volleyball from a variety of angles. With Tri's high-level beach experience and Travis's charisma and skill on the mike, they make for a fun and fascinating listen.
LagunaVB09BVB newsIf you’re looking for Beach Volleyball news and stories, this is the podcast.
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