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gw4075This should be a great podcastArn A was one of the best on the mic but he sounds like he now is afraid to speak I still think he the best but it show Conrad as a host Conrad doesn’t know this podcast exist when is the last time u heard Conrad on this show ? He lost interst Along time ago same with some of his other podcasts instead we get this Paul am useless I have to kiss your butt guy he terrible really bad I wonder how Conrad sell a mort he sure doesn’t speak to anyone he has lackey do everything The guy is a user to bad because arn deserve much better.
dth9mmLost interestConrad was a fantastic host with great research and conversation, but Paul isn’t near as good. That’s ok, but the last straw is not even commenting on one of the biggest events in Arn’s career that could have killed him and Sid. If you don’t want to talk about it(why have a podcast if you’re not going to talk about events that happened), then at least acknowledge it and say you don’t want to talk about it. Sid’s gone and Arn’s out of action for a while is an understatement. I was giving the Paul/Arn combo a chance until this episode, and I’ve listened to every one. Thank you for the childhood memories Arn, but I’m done. Very disappointed
nixfinityWould be good for ten episodesA good ten episode story, but how many episodes and commercials can you milk from him. Arns lost interest and ran out of things to say in a month by month analysis of the downfall of his career. Too much of a Trump vibe to the entire thing with advertisements for financial scams and ED treatments for adults playing with action figures
cyrus weaverAbsolute can’t miss!This show is a can’t miss! Get to know the man behind the man every week. Arn is a legend in wrestling and in life.
madmaxdialWhen wrestlers were menArn was a wrestler who was always believable and respected the business he was in. I enjoy hearing his insights to the business he loves and wish the “wrestlers” of today treated the business with the same respect. Not sure where the show will go after they get through the month by month format of arns in ring career is over, but I would love to see them go back to the JCP days and review shows and angles in depth. Stay away from his days as an agent in wwe. I want to hear about Arns wrestling days, not sports entertainment.
dude7842689Paul is a pathetic markI’m a huge fan of Arn. The show used to be good. Paul does piss, poor research, and only caters to the people who are on adfree shows. It’s funny that it caters to 2% of the audience. Nobody else gets the opportunity to participate in the show. Paul is a mark for himself and the click that is ad free shows.
Todd CrowClip of the week clip of the week clip of the week clip of the weekClip of the week clip of the week clip of the week clip of the week clip of the week clip of the week
Lumbeewarrior93ShockedI grew up watching Arn the character and the man are both shocking to experience! Growing up I was terrified of the character but listening to the man and meeting him in person was a huge surprise he is so humble and a pleasure to meet! Anytime I get to see him in person I will be making the trip to see him. Thank you Arm
KYoldtimerThe Enforcer!I listen to several wrestling podcasts regularly, and The Arn Show is by far the best coverage of classic wrestling.
Polar Bear OneTakes me back to the glory years!Three things I love about the show: first, it is short form. None of the he hiding and senseless jokes. Second, it is clean. It is clean, as clean can be except for the blue chew advertisements. Third, it is Arn Anderson. Enough said. Great show.
Domo Arigaro 12180StonedWhen I listen to this show, I indulge in LSD. More LSD please
Bcowl03Great show but …Bad host. I loved the show when Conrad was hosting and would listen to them discuss a phone book. But i can’t get into Paul and Arn. From the looks of the reviews here and on Twitter, I’m not alone.
CulbyculbertsonWeak sauceConny loves Arn but is never there. So much for favorite wrestler ever
Barnettfan1BitterHilarious to hear that this guy received all the pay he was promised during his WWF run, and still turns it into Vince is evil. If Tully Blanchard was a great guy, wouldn’t he have popped up elsewhere and not disappeared for 30 years. Hilarious Arn got screwed going back to WCW. Seems like instead of being a sheep and following Tully, he should have thought for himself. His bitterness constantly shines through over and over again.
@markmizzousteelWas great but fell off.Love Arn but another Conrad podcast where he bailed as the host.
RCJ2014Arn is the true 4 Horseman.One of the best podcasts out there. Arn is a true visionary of 1980’s wrestling. His experience and depth of knowledge is second to none. His no nonsense style is refreshing. Especially when you can tell he’s working that kayfabe a little. Arn should be required listening for anyone entering the business themselves and a must listen for us fans!! ~’’’’Also, don’t be complaining about a big barrel chested man who gave his health to this business being a bit breathy sometimes!! He’s a treasure and deserves our respect on this and other issues’’’’
Brian The Flying SquirrelNot anymoreUsed to listen weekly evn though I had to fast forward through tons of ads for products I wouldnt even consider using (especially GEICO and Goliath). Now that Paul seems to be the host, its a skip. Conrad comes back, I'll come back.
Revelator82Depends on who is hostingArn is a wonderful story teller and great to listen to which pains me to only give this three stars. When Conrad hosts its a consistent three stars. Paul in my opinion does not compliment Arn and it can be a struggle to keep following the show.
Voodoo child 82No more Paul(As iron sheik) f&),k the jabroni paul bromwell
Travel long JoeThe Enforcer Takes Us Back Thru HistoryBest wrestling podcast out there!!! Love hearing the background stories from Arn looking back decades later! Great job!!!
B.. MillerNot a fan of PaulI'm a lifelong fan of Arn Anderson and love the podcast.... when Conrad hosts. Paul is a nice guy, nothing personal, but I agree with other reviews, he's not a very good host with Arn or JR in my opinion I really appreciate that now when he's on the show, he's liisted as the host in the summary, section so I will know not to listen to that episode. Sorry guys, I like the Arn show with host Conrad Thompson.
fiendwith3 DsBoooo PaulCan’t listen anymore with Paul, you’d think he’d get better but still awkward and unimaginative with his questions and conversations. No chemistry with JR,Kurt or Eric.
Morrisonscott38MissingWhere’s connie? I get hes busy but paul all the time is a no go; changes the show vibe and feel. Alright paul just doesnt have the amped voice that arn needs
Scanza1701Love The FormatI’ve always been a great fan of Arn…but this month by month format has given me a larger appreciation for all the hard work Arn and all the wrestlers put in over the years…Long live The Enforcer!!! Cheers and Spine Busters!!
Pat@NCThanks Arn, but…Thanks for taking the time Arn to give us a glimpse behind the curtain. But way too many ads now. Reeks of greed. Thank God for 30 second ⏩bumps.
Thrillhills3No ConradConrad is just as important to the show as Arn. Paul (like Double J was in wrestling for Conrad) is channel changer jones.
Steve franklinAdsYou’re listening to ADS with the enforcer, conman Thompson. Oh and Arn is there to tell great stories in between the way to many geico reads.
KeetojmArn is greatI don’t want to hear over half a podcast of Conrad shilling products. It is pathetic, we aren’t here to hear Gieco promos inbetween each statement. I am willing to bet there is more time devoted to commercials than arn talking.
allisonbilgerToo many commercials!!!I’m all for free shows selling ads but this is ridiculous. The mortgage industry must be down because Conrad is selling the crap out of the show. It really ruins the flow of the stories. Just not worth the listen.
willnotacceptratingCommercialsWay to many commercials. I understand that is how you make money but every 3 minutes is to often.
Wallis7420Arn is Great !!Conrad you are amazing!!! Thank you for this !! You guys gotta get Steve Austin on !! Use that massage chair !! I didn’t even notice. Thanks again for everything Arn !!
iPhone4-gstlLove the stories, but HORRIBLE ad formatI love listening to Arn and all the old stories, but the incessant ad format of this show is making it REALLY hard listen to. They literally throw commercials in the MIDDLE of Arn telling a story, and the show rarely goes more than 7 or 8 minutes without stopping for 4-5 minutes of commercials. I don’t know who decided on this non-stop advertising format of the show, but I’m hoping the producers will see this and correct it, because I’m getting I’m not going to be able to keep listening to this too much longer. There are just too many Podcast options to be wasting 35-40 minutes of a 90 minute podcast with ads.
Husky haberdasherSubscribed20 minutes of football talk?? Is this a wrestling podcast or a football podcast? If I was into that stuff, I’m sure I can hear it anywhere. I love Arn, but getting tired of Conrad, this is the last one of his podcasts I can stand. If the 15 plugs and football talk continue, I’m gonna have to unsubscribe and say goodbye, sorry Arn.
Ranger DarknessWhere’s Conrad?Loved the show til Conrad vanished.
Iceo54Good Format but too many plugsI like the new format of the show. But I am despising the incessant Geico plugs throughout the show. It’s having the opposite effect.
PW fan since 1984.ARNI really enjoy the new format of this podcast. Arn talking about his wrestling career is more interesting than him talking about WWE shows. Him and Conrad have great chemistry. Also, the show is the perfect length.
Hessiebessie05Hidden gemI stumbled on this podcast recently. I am obsessed I can listen to the stories all day. I listen to this while I work. In the little over a week I have been listening I have gone through the first 50 episodes. Have a list of questions in my head but going to get myself caught up first to make sure my questions have not been asked. Thank you for making my work day more bearable.
walkatuThe EnforcerGreat nostalgia
RexcraniumArnFrom a Horseman to a podcaster. Arn & Conrad are telling Arn’s history and what a great story it is. If you are a fan of Arn this podcast is for you!
rod-riceRidiculous amount of adsEpisode 101 was tipping point. 5 minutes of ads before show starts and then what seemed like 40 ad breaks. Love you Arn but I’m not falling for Conrad’s ploy to buy the Ad Free platform. I will not be returning.
SchadenfriendlyDouble A = Annoying AdsThe GEICO ads are literally every two minutes. The shorter ads appearing more frequently only breaks up any flow of the content. Love you, Arn, can tolerate you, Conrad, but the new advertising approach has led me to Abandon Arn.
Jns213Too Many AdsIt hurts to leave anything less than 5 stars as I’ve always been a fan of Arn, but the ads are just too much. I’ve timed it - there will sometimes be less than 3 min of content before another ad pops up. And the insurance ads are the worst with Conrad cutting in, sometimes teasing. It’s not funny. It’s annoying and makes it hard to listen, which is sad. I’m aware of Adfreeshows. I know sponsors are what keep the content coming. I’m ok with ads overall. But there has to be a balance and I believe that scale has tipped. Otherwise great podcasts are being absolutely ruined.
SonofaButchFrom Granny’s to GreatnessIt’s been enjoyable to hear the journey of AA’s rise. For those of us that grew up watching. Whether we loved or hated him,we respected him.
RobB97Literally has more ads than any other podcastThere are more minutes of ads than minutes of content. Avoid. Such a shame a legend like Arn Anderson hooked up with a huckster like Conrad Thompson
USA11111111No VaccineDon’t want to hear your plug for a vaccine. Abortion killed 42.6 million babies last year and you probably support the “my choice my body” screams of liberals. If you respect them murdering babies then respect my choice to not get an FDA unapproved shot in my body. Stick to wrestling please.
Cornette CultistReally GoodGreat podcast. Most of Conrad’s podcasts are really good but Paul Bromwell is terrible! Please get a new “sit in” Conrad.
ColonKrushaUnlistenableLove Conrad, Love Arn, Love the content. The amount of ads makes it unlistenable. It’s constant. I understand they have to pay the bills, but it’s horrible.
matttjpGreat new formatI could listen to these story all day
Post-op RecoveryTop TierArn Anderson is so candid and entertaining. Of course he is. He is gorever a horseman, the standard of excellence. I grew up on 70s and 80s NWA Mid-Atlantic, Georgia Championship, Mid-South and Continental. That era, the storylines, the characters are a HUGE part of my childhood. i have listened to many podcasts by former workers and I really enjoy Arn’s style of storytelling much more than most of them. Thank you sir for sharing. As long as you are on the air i will keep listening.
gmh1818Content is 6 stars. Lower rating due to amount of commercials.I love the topics and Arn and Conrad have really good Chemistry. The timing and the amount of commercials is really excessive. Of course there are going to be commercials for a free podcast but the timing of them are really annoying. They need to do a better job of not breaking up the flow by dropping dumb Geico comments.
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