This Machine Kills


A podcast about technology and political economy /// Agitprop against innovation and capital /// Hosted by Jathan Sadowski and Edward Ongweso Jr., Produced by Jereme Brown /// Hello friends and enemiesListen anywhere that fine podcasts are distributed. Subscribe at to get premium episodes every week.

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Recent Reviews
  • spacebag
    Like it but…
    For some reason i can’t download episodes like I do for other pods. It takes for ever and often crashes out halfway. I can download other pods just fine. As a true Luddite, I don’t have cell service and rely on wifi downloads so it’s har to listen.
  • LeftistTechBro
    It’s a good program
    It’s a worthwhile listen
  • jadecricket
    wall to wall banger
    this pod is incredible. the perfect balance of intellectually informed and salt of the earth ways of speaking. ed’s intellectual and cultural understanding of issues is totally profound. jathan talks a lot (just responding to other reviews here) but what he has to say is significant and profound - not to mention absolutely hilarious. i love the tmk canon, chairman bezos, comrade graber, et al. still longing for the TMK x softbank futureware. hope it’s not vaporware. -jack jammer
  • Alex magazine
    Let the guests speak
    Jathan doesn’t shut up.
  • Alizaaaayyyyyyyyyyy
    Amazing. Love you guys
  • Young Brave
    Anarchists doing their level best to be marxists
    Keep at it lads
  • carterfrancis
    Why Have Guests?
    If you’re going to include a guest, please give them airtime. A recent episode included a 20 minute (speech?) by Jathan. I know the hosts are whip-smart and passionate about these subjects but its’ a frustrating listen.
  • Jason E L.
    The Official Podcast Of NEOM
    Does a great service by going beyond critiquing the obvious stupidities such as crypto coins and NFTs, and examines the more insidious connections of surveillance technologies, automation, algorithmic discrimination, and finance capitalism. The hosts take time to fully unpack the ramifications of these connections, sometimes going deep into the weeds with a guest, and explore the dire consequences of things running unchecked.
  • Cambriamaven
    what if an algorithm bought your home
    is the most worrying set of facts and evidence we are all testily screwed unless we immediately demand better. Critical.
  • wd494713
    essential listening for making sense of a world of accelerating nonsense
  • Og505
    Overall good but rambly and esoteric
    Overall an interesting podcast but can be hard to follow since it’s somewhat rambly and unstructured. It can also be a bit unapproachable and hard to digest; most of the episodes seem geared toward people who have the same academic background as Jathan (host).
  • zag378
    Elon Musk
    Elon Musk is my fav❤️
  • Von Chimera
    This Machine is Orientalist
    While claiming some amount of socialist ideology to their own, they are staunchly opposed to international solidarity with Marxist Leninist parties, particularly the CPC, which these exclusively western podcasters claim is capitalist bc markets and capital still exist under their developing socialist nation.
  • Zeynet#1
    Hello friends and enemies
    This is one of the best look in to US economy with the theft of the American citizen. With looks in to indexing, privatization, globalization, union busting, and the CEO of all CEO’s. Scary and truthful look at who are pulling the strings, manipulation, and controlling the US government.
  • Delaney Rohan
    Excellent discussions, terrifying subject matter.
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