Welcome to VOLLEYBALLOGY UNcensored - the volleyball podcast by former pro players, coaches - and volleyball parents - aimed at bridging gaps between players, coaches, and parents (by calling out what we're all thinking but too afraid to say), and to provide FREE content and high-quality instructional videos through our YouTube channel and website at www.volleyballogy.orgNew episodes are released each Wednesday and listners can help support the mission and the show by donating what they can at https://bit.ly/3R1BI6VThanks for listening!- The VOLLEYBALLOGY Guys

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Recent Reviews
  • DC IN IN
    Do not wasted your time
    Mostly two guys, one of whom is a pretentious, arrogant know it all douche, and the other guy a likable aw-shucks kind of fella, explaining to you how smart they are, and how good they were, and how experienced they are. If I hear the phrase “I played at a high-level“. There is literally not one topic on any subject that the host appears not to view himself as expert. They will likely rarely have guests, for why should they, they have the greatest smartest, most knowledgeable, volleyball player, father, teacher, coach, philosopher, political, scientist, comedian, Podcaster, who ever lived as a host. On a positive note, their production standards are quite good.
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