Understanding the Times


A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.

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  • fredward25
    Be wary
    It’s not that I disagree with every single thing Jan Markell says, but be aware that this work is pushing a very niche political worldview more than the gospel. On the site and in the show, Markell pushes questionable, usually vague conspiracy theories and extreme far-right publications and voices. Her approach promotes what looks to me like factionalism, which the Bible warns us against, and is not as careful in making assertions and checking facts, protecting the reputations of others, or being restrained in imputing weather phenomena to God’s judgement as I feel is necessary for a responsible broadcaster. Therefore, I exhort listeners current and potential to exercise caution and discernment.
  • necabuela
    With all the chaos in the world, Jan your podcast reminds me that God is in control. I always like to hear how the events happening in the world are all related to what is happening to Israel. Jan, you give me hope. I look forward to Friday and your new podcast.
  • CES1604
    The Show
    I love the show and all the very interesting material each and every time
  • True Gospel Evangelist
    The broadcast content is great ! Nevertheless I have 1 thing against it. For some reason the volume is a lot lower than any other podcasts I listen to. (Apple phone podcasts service) I have to the turn the volume to max, especially if there’s any other noise around me.
  • VLVC
    Great Show
    Always pertinent and interesting. Filled with information that we need. Such a necessary ministry today. Thank you!
    These people are white nationalist
    They spew biased racist points of view with partial facts put on your tin foil hats as Amir massadi promotes jans supremacy agenda and elons vision for a one world currency and new Jewish messiah shame on you all!
  • sarahreviewbrown
    Mouth Sounds
    I enjoy the content but Jan needs to mute herself while guests are talking as her mouth sounds are very distracting.
  • gigi031268
    Thankful for Your Voice
    Jan and Company I am so thankful for your voice and look forward to your podcast every single Friday!! You share the truth of God‘s word without exception!! Bringing Jesus to all listeners and making available to anyone!!
  • ShorePort
    Lord God, America has been a beacon to spread the Gospel of Jesus and the good news that Jesus is our only savior for all humanity but globalists have enslaved the USA and trying to stop its mission -the globalists are outed -the UN, THE WEF, the WHO using American media and progressive politicians and uneducated Americans people to do their bidding. We pray these demons change their wicked ways and we call on the LORD to open the eyes of many hearts to believe in Jesus and save ourselves before it’s too late. Should the Lord delay taking the church before tribulation 🙏🏼 leaders in the USA #getusout of the UN and decouple from evil.
  • Magamiller
    I stand with Israel
    And appreciate this show helping us understand Israel history and God’s chosen people and land. Thank you, great show!
  • heavenly music
    Intro Music Quite Jarring
    Love the podcast but the music is stressful.
  • BonbpP1
    Doanload issues
    I used to able to download to my iPod. Now they don’t download to my iPod.
  • Blessed CSR
    Ultimate Bait and Switch!
    What a powerful message today from Amir and Jan, two great powerhouse voices for world events today! This message gave me comfort amidst the chaos, knowing that this is part of God’s great prophetic plan! We have a great future of eternal Hope as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ! Please listen to this episode for understanding, and make the Lord Jesus Christ your Messiah and celebrate together with us one day in Heaven! Eternity with Him is forever! Bless Israel! Isaiah 61! 🇮🇱🙏💕Bless you, Jan! Bless you Amir! Thank you!
  • Blckfrst
    Be careful
    This pod is mostly fear-mongering. Not much of it is useful or insightful.
  • Ashley Rae Aldred
    Very Informative
    In these last days we need more podcasts like this! Podcasts that don’t allow us to keep our heads in the sand, but instead cause us to acknowledge the times we are living in. We truly need to be about our Lord’s business and share his redemption plan with others, while we have the chance.
  • bGuiles
    The harmful lies in this satanic podcast will be judged
    Not all news is eschatological. Your prophecies about the climate and about constructive international collaboration are unbiblical, paranoid, fake and very harmful conspiracies. They will go down like all other such prophecies since Christ warned us about them and you. And as He says in Revelation and elsewhere, you’ll be severely judged for harming the earth, His creation, instead of stewarding it at such a time as this.
  • PassingGlimmer
    No nonsense, straightforward Bible
    When your home church doesn’t teach much about the end times, and won’t commit to a firm end times eschatology, where do you turn? Here. Listen to this podcast and those associated with Olive Tree Ministries. Well explained and Bible-driven, Markell and her guests are excellent deliverers of God’s truth.
  • ✝️jd
    Don’t ever stop glorifying Jesus till he comes! Thank you for being faithful to him!
  • Raemi95
    Thank you Jan for everything you do. Intellectual, concise, biblically centered… I look forward to hearing from you every week. Keep it up, thank you, God bless you.
  • Consoiracy Jim
    Be very afraid
    All they ever seem to talk about is the same thing over and over again: Be afraid, but don’t be since you’ll supposedly be raptured out beforehand anyway.
  • paracop
    Biblical based
    I love this podcast. It is a bible based podcast. It uses only what God has said and shows it in the world right now. This has to happen. But our God is in control. God bless Israel and all her people. God bless us all. Everyone.
  • Robert Wjr
    Truth and Love
    Informative and honest perspective that is biblically focused.
  • Jurassicguy101
    I look forward to the show every week.
    I have learned so much from this podcast. I never miss it!
  • Valerieann543
    Appreciate the Biblically driven information
    Wonderfully informative podcast with a great host and guests. My one suggestion as I work in audio/video production, can the host please not make sounds with their mouth next to the microphone? May I suggest to drink water away from the microphone and any time you're not speaking, place your mouth away from the mic -it picks up all sounds and the sounds are distracting for many. You can also get a mic windscreen or pop filter Thanks for all you do!
  • lojofo61
    Favorite podcast
    This is the only podcast I never miss. I appreciate Jan and her guests.
  • 4gbabies
    Our Blessed Hope
    I cling to these episodes that points and highlights the signs of the times and the coming of our Blessed Hope. Thank you so very much for being our watchman on the wall. To God be the Glory!
  • josh. allen
    15 minute cities
    15 minute cities are not totalitarian. It’s simply the traditional method of city design. All cities were 15 minute cities before ww2
  • EiFi 2019
    Spreading lies about Bethel
    This is the second time Jan has spread the lie that Bill Johnson endorses grave soaking. A quick YouTube search will show him explicitly denouncing this practice. Jans discussions on end times is undermined by her failure to research and maligning a church of Godly faith filled church.
  • Gigibyfate
    Great guests
    I look forward to this podcast every week. I know there will be great guests and new information.
  • suzkshack
    Peace in the storm
    Jan has brought on world class guests that research and analyze all the current events and how they line up with our Bible. I love to listen every Friday and share this with all my friends. Jan will have a very special crown for keeping all of us in the know!! God bless you.
  • blue eyed daughter
    Always worth a listen
    I’m a faithful follower to Jan’s podcast. She works hard on her research and information- I always learn something new. Thankful for her commitment to spreading the truth about the times we are living in.
  • ABC3 girls
    Love your show!
    Thank you for all you do to enlighten Christians.!
  • bl0828
    Thank you Jan!!
    You are a blessing to the body of Christ. BL
  • Summersister
    Thank you Jan!
    Thank you for speaking the truth of our glorious God! You are an amazing warrior for Christ…you have inspired me to share the gospel more and to GLOW for Jesus ❤️🙏🏻❤️
  • Nat-Kay
    What happened
    Thank you Jan! I look forward to your podcasts! Speaking God filled truth!
  • ChiChi P
    Jan is such a warrior for Christ
    Words cannot express my gratitude for this podcast and everything that Jan and her team does. I’ve grown immensely in my walk with Christ and gained a wealth of knowledge from her, the pastors and speakers. What’s more is, Jan and Pastor Mark Henry host a bi-weekly “Understanding The Times” event with speakers from all across the country, who discuss current events and how they line up with Bible prophecy. I’ve had the privilege of attending several of these events. God bless and thank you, Jan! Continue being a light in this dark world. Maranatha!
  • kathleen risser
    Love this podcast
    I look forward to every Friday when I can listen to the next podcast. Jan Markel Is a fabulous host and all of her speakers and pastors are amazing!!!
  • Truth m
    Some of the things discussed here and some of the people on here are totally nuts.
  • KLBrownSr.
    Not sure, I agree with everything presented on this podcast, however, that is not uncommon in theology or the body of Christ. It doesn’t mean there’s grounds for separation however, it appears Olive tree is dividing the body of Christ with their concerns of some segments in Christianity. I understand their passion, I don’t subscribe to the philosophy of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The body of Christ is precious and does not need any more attacks especially within it’s ranks
  • Fuzzball1230
    Great podcast
    I would like ti say, if you are wanting a deep dive into this nar topic.. please check out spencer smith on youtube and the series is called third adam. he has 3 right now and a 4 th on the way
  • Gjannabs7
    Dear god the mouth noises are so gross
    Please stop with the mouth noises it’s so bad
  • j diver
    Fear and ignorance
    You won’t find anything worthwhile here. They are science denying fear mongers. So benighted.
  • Sandrare
    True Biblical Teachings
    Blessed by The Lord, Jan’s ministry is clarifying and bringing confidence in understanding the word. Grateful for the Lord bringing me to hear His word. Worthy ministry.
  • TexasBluebonnets
    Excellent & Informative Biblical Commentary
    Insightful, engaging content that shows believers what they can expect during the end times. Highly recommend for all born again believers to stay alert during these dark times!
  • Dukerrey
    Keep speaking the truth Jan. Haters gonna hate. John 15:18.
  • literaturescout
    There will be scoffers
    Anyone (jgannabs) who writes off truth as a joke has the right to do so. You have a free will to accept or reject it. If you couple truth with hate speech then it’s with your inner man you need to have an honest discussion. To lead others astray is a discussion you will have with God whether you believe in Him or not. You were written about in the Bible. We are warned that we would see scoffers in the end times. The comment that you left only helps to solidify that the Bible is truth and good for reproof. Thank you for helping build my faith and others who’ll see your comment. What you meant for evil God will use for good.
  • J M 🎚
    Looking to Christ
    I’m thankful to hear prophecy expounded on and hope this program reaches many who need to hear. I pray that hearts will change and eyes will be opened to receive our Lord Jesus Christ✝️ Thank you for sharing the word of God. Jean Schrader
  • Texas Cowgirl ❤️
    Must Listen!
    Eschatology done right. No wild speculative options but rather biblically based end times teachings. Thank you, Jan, for the plethora of information! God bless!
  • Lemonyzest
    Know the time! Have hope!
    If you want to understand world events from a biblical perspective do not miss this weekly podcast. There is hope in knowing what God has ordained. Excellent podcast worth your time.
  • GohLb
    Alway informative and engaging.
    👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑🎶🎶🎺🎺 Thank you for this program Jan & Olive Tree Ministry staff !!!!! Year after year always excellent programming.
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